Bug roundup 🐞

In the last few weeks, several minor bugs and enhancements have been made. Here are some notable ones:

Improved help text for tags, including on pressing “Enter” to add tags

Improved empty state messaging for adding contributors to a dataset

Consistent use of timestamps in alerts and notifications

Navigation tabs on various pages are now keyboard-navigable (left and right arrow keys) for ease of browsing and improved accessibility

“Share” button directly opens “Grant access” modal

Consistent use of display name in emails

Text truncation fixed for filter bars and the project workbench

Various layout, text, and navigational misalignments or inconsistencies

Glossary Inline Descriptions

Looking for a quick definition in your glossary? Want to see your full glossary in one view? The Glossary overview has been updated to include inline descriptions for your terms. Click on a term to view additional details and metadata.

Public Release: Search on custom metadata fields

One of the most powerful features of the data.world catalog is the ability to enrich your catalog resources with custom metadata that's unique to your business.

We are pleased to announce that we've rolled out the first of several improvements to support search matches on custom metadata fields for your catalog resources. 

This improvement expands the fields we match against for free text searches to include any custom metadata fields you have configured in your catalog as text or selection fields. This feature empowers your end users to search for resources by the terminology and categorizations that mean the most to your business.

In the example above, verified by and data steward are custom metadata fields defined in our catalog for tables. A search for sarah smart now yields matches where she is listed as the data steward or the person who has verified the data, in addition to any existing matching fields like owner.

Tip: You can perform more precise searches against custom metadata fields with our advanced search syntax. In the example above, a search for metadata:"data steward:sarah smart" will return filtered results where Sarah Smart is listed as the Data Steward. 

Look for upcoming releases to further support boolean and IRI-based metadata searches.

Search Improvements: Rankings and Special Characters

Search is a core feature of data.world and is consistently a focus of our improvement efforts. This month, we've rolled out improvements to result rankings on searches that contain more than one word. This improvement provides better rankings for results with titles that exactly match the submitted search as well as several other ranking and relevance improvements. These changes also provide better support for searches that contain special characters such as ampersands, dashes, underscores, and slashes.

New Gra.fo API: Export document as TTL or OWL

Head over the Gra.fo API Documentation to learn more about how to use the Gra.fo public API to export your model as TTL or OWL. The export API is designed for use with build scripts, version control tools, integrations, or to upload your model into other tools, like data.world.

Fun fact: Ever wonder why our adorable mascot, Sparkle, is an OWL? Now you know!

Looking for the API Documentation? We've added a link to the user menu in Gra.fo:

Gra.fo supports several additional export formats from the document page. These options can be found under the File menu.

March 2021 monthly product update

Here is a roundup of some of the key features we released last month, February 2021 -- Looker metadata support, custom metadata field default edit behavior improvements, Gra.fo enhancements, and dataset sync webhook notifications.

Status indicators on organization profile pages

Status indicators, which include helpful tooltip hints when you hover, are available in many parts of the application such as search and the newsfeed. They provide quick, at-a-glance visibility of the quality, certification, or governance status around data or analysis resources. They are now also available on organization profile pages as well.

Metrics update: Feb 25, 2021

For enterprise customers, the following updated metrics have been released to your Usage and Governance Reporting (ddw-metrics-*) dataset. This was noted as coming soon here.

Events - Pageviews - Last 90 Days: This table now includes all types of pageviews, whereas previously it was filtered to only include dataset and project views. In addition, the window has been extended from 30 to 90 days.

Events - Queries: This new table is a detailed audit of query events. This was previously already available for multi-tenant customers. Going forward, it will also be available for single-tenant or virtual private customers. More details are included in the data dictionary markdown file. 

Resources - Datasets: This table contains a new column called “notificationsEmail” which includes any additional email address associated with the notifications for the dataset, as set in the dataset settings.

Visits - New Users By Month: This table logic has been updated to be consistent with other metrics, namely Visits - Unique Visitors To Date and Visits - Unique Visitors - All Time List.

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