Informational Metadata Hovers

Not exactly sure what you are looking for in your catalog or your resources library? Tired of clicking into individual items just to discover it's not what you thought it was? Look for the new information icon on list views to see additional contextual metadata about the items in the list without leaving your current view.

New APIs: Virtual Connections and Virtual Tables not only supports metadata collection, but can also power federated queries of data sources such as Snowflake, BigQuery, SQL Server, and many others. Now in addition to our UI, you can use our API to manage these virtual connections and tables.

Head over to our API documentation to learn more about configuring virtual connections and adding virtual tables to your datasets with the public API.

Coming Soon: Addressing timezone inconsistency

🚨 Default behavior change coming next week 🚨

We have recently discovered that when executing queries, there are some cases where our DATETIME columns contain timezone information, and other cases where they do not. This is primarily an issue that arises with columns containing date/time information in uploaded files (we do not see this with live tables). We have decided to address this inconsistency. Starting next week, query result columns of type DATETIME will no longer contain timezone information, while columns of type DATETIMESTAMP will always contain timezone information.

The impact of this change shouldn’t be significant, and most users will see no change. However, if you have queries across ingested data which aggregate on DATETIME columns, or do DATE_ADD() style calculations, you may notice differences in your results depending on your current timezone.

If you are impacted by this change, here are some ways to clarify your intent w.r.t. timezones:

  1. CAST the resulting column to a DATETIMESTAMP to force timezones, or DATETIME to strip timezones (documentation)
  2. Use AT_TIME_ZONE() to explicitly state your timezone (documentation)
  3. Ensure that the table column type is set to be of type DATETIMESTAMP or DATETIME (documentation)

Note: If timezone information is desired, but not defined, UTC is assumed. 

Please contact with any questions or concerns. As always, we’re happy to help.

New: Groundbreaking "deep brain" integration is very excited to announce our new deep brain integration.

Now data consumers simply need to think about what data they want, and will return governed, curated data. It also supports cataloging of business terminology straight from subject matter experts.

When we originally envisioned the feature, our design inspiration was to provide an "easy button." However Jon Loyens, co-founder and CPO, famously then said "what if there was no button at all?"

A future release will support agile data governance workflows, such as data access approvals. Integration is quick and relatively painless, though upgrades require a bit of effort and minor outpatient surgery.

Search Improvements: Rankings and Special Characters

Search is a core feature of and is consistently a focus of our improvement efforts. This month, we've rolled out improvements to result rankings on searches that contain more than one word. This improvement provides better rankings for results with titles that exactly match the submitted search as well as several other ranking and relevance improvements. These changes also provide better support for searches that contain special characters such as ampersands, dashes, underscores, and slashes.

March 2021 monthly product update

Here is a roundup of some of the key features we released last month, February 2021 -- Looker metadata support, custom metadata field default edit behavior improvements, enhancements, and dataset sync webhook notifications. navigation and linking improvements

Check out recent UX improvements to, our visual knowledge graph modeling tool. 

  1. To quickly zoom out to see the full graph, use the keyboard shortcut:
    OPTION (ALT) + SHIFT + 0
  2. To zoom to a specific concept:
    OPTION (ALT) + SHIFT + click concept
  3. You can now deeplink directly to a concept in the graph using the Copy link to concept option in the concept menu. Watch the video to see how we use this feature to move fluidly between a catalog and is a companion product to with a 30 day free trial of premium team features. Visit to learn more, or reach out to

February 2021 monthly product update

Here is a roundup of some of the key features we released last month, January 2021 -- broader resource support for recently viewed resources and auto suggestions from the search bar, collection search filter/facet, collection management API, and enhanced SQL support for windowed aggregations.

New Dataset Sync Notifications now sends 2 additional webhooks: Dataset Sync Failure and Dataset Sync Recovery Success

When a dataset within your org fails to sync, will immediately send a webhook message to the configured URL with details about the failure, including error code and error messages from the downstream source.

With those sync failure details, you could configure a ticket to be created in your ticketing system, trigger an alert for a dev-ops team, or simply just make the team aware of the issue.

Natively, will format the webhook payload to post messages in Slack when it recognizes the configured webhook is Slack, which is shown in the demo video below.



Technical Details

syncTask.status.success is triggered only after the recovery from a failure. 

Example payload, in JSON:

  "datasetid": "sync-demo",
  "event": {
    "type": "SUCCESS",
    "task": "state_table.csv",
    "created": "2021-02-04T06:37:06.936Z"
  "eventType": "syncTask.status.success",
  "resourceUrl": "",
  "resourceType": "URL",
  "resourceOwner": "texas-whiskey"

 syncTask.status.failure is triggered on the first failure for that file. When it recovers, will send one syncTask.status.success

Example payload, in JSON:

  "datasetid": "sync-demo",
  "event": {
    "type": "FAILURE",
    "task": "state_table.csv",
    "created": "2021-02-04T06:35:17.945Z",
    "error": "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
  "eventType": "syncTask.status.failure",
  "resourceUrl": "",
  "resourceType": "URL",
  "resourceOwner": "texas-whiskey"
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