New collection management API

Head over to our api documentation to learn more about the new API endpoints we've added in support of collection management.

You can now create and manage collections from the public API to help build automation pipelines and integrations around your enterprise data catalog.

Our interactive docs allow you to test requests right from the browser.

New resource types for autosuggest search bar

Find what you are looking for from anywhere in the application.
Look for new resource types added to the autosuggest feature of the main search bar! Queries and metadata resources, such as glossary terms and analysis records, have been added to the top level search bar. You can now search for these resources from any page with the search bar header. This feature previously supported dataset, project, and user search. This feature is live for community and enterprise users.

January 2021 monthly product update

Here is a roundup of some of the key features we released last month, December 2020 -- collection crowdsourced suggestions, new metadata and search API endpoints, and a recap on search improvements.

Featured Search Results for Data Partners

Relevant data partners now appear at the top of some search results as featured results, making it easier to find high-quality, reliable datasets in search. Featured results are disabled for private installs.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we help teams find the right data vendors for their projects, drop us a line at

Coming Soon: Column Search

Look for this new feature in upcoming releases!

Here's a sneak peek of what to expect:

You'll soon see a new banner above your search results highlighting the number of matched column results for your query. You can navigate to your column results either by clicking the banner or using the result type dropdown below the search bar.

Column search surfaces tables within datasets or projects that contain matched columns, and individual column records defined in your metadata catalog. This feature will be available for enterprise and community users.

Search support added to public API

We recently added search as a feature of our public API.

These new endpoints support searching for datasets, projects, insights, queries, tables, collections, files, glossary terms, and analysis resources.

We offer two options:

  • Simple Search: Simple text search with filtering support by owner and resource type
  • Advanced Search: Supports complex searches including date ranges, tags, and custom resource types

Windowed aggregations now live

Windowed aggregations partition the results from a SQL query into groups in order to perform calculations across adjacent rows of the query result. You can read more about windowed aggregations and see examples of their usage on in our SQL documentation.

Here is a list of all the new windowed functions with links to their reference pages:

New metadata collectors in private beta: Power BI and DBT

We're proud to announce that two new metadata collectors are now available for enterprise customer use in private beta -- Power BI (business intelligence and data visualization) and DBT (next-gen data transformation). Let us know if you'd like to get your hands on the early versions of these collectors.

As we get closer to general availability, we'll be releasing more information on these exciting expanded metadata and discovery capabilities!

Easily edit which collections a resource belongs to

Did you know a resource on, like a table, business term, or dashboard, can belong to multiple collections?

We've now made it easy to pick which collections a resource belongs to: simply click "Edit" on the resource page, then pick & choose which collections the resource should appear in and save those changes.

For example, if you had a business term in a "Sales" collection, you can now easily add that same business term to your "Finance" and "Customer Service" collections with only a few clicks. 

Likewise, if you wanted to move a resource from one collection to another, you can click "Edit" on the resource page, select the new collection, de-select the existing collection, and save that change. 

Customers who use Open collections can create a resource in a private collection, and only when it's ready for global consumption, add it to the Open collection.

We've also recently added the ability to create collections in the UI - read more about that here.

Stay tuned for editing collections in the API, and allow collections to be edited in bulk!

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