Preview the simplified navigation and Discover page

This May,’s navigation is getting more powerful and even easier to use – we’re adding a Discover button! Preview the changes today to discover all the resources you have access to with a single click.

Screenshot of Discover page. The familiar search page shows a list of all the resources you have access to, available via the Discover left hand navigation. In this screenshot, Discover is highlighted in purple and a Preview banner is at the top of the page.

  • Discover will be added to the navigation to show you all the resources that you can find.
  • Data, Analysis, and Glossary will be removed from the navigation.

The Discover experience transforms the empty search page into an actionable entry point for all of your resources—whether organization-owned or in the open community.

Screenshot of Discover page on the All tab. After a prompt to "Search for bookmarks, resources, or people" there is a list of your recently viewed resources. In this screenshot, Discover is highlighted in purple and a Preview banner is at the top of the page.

Switch to the All tab to reference up to 25 of your recently viewed resources and jump back in where you left off.

Look for the Preview banner to try out the new navigation and Discover experience today. Review the updated documentation or share your feedback.

Coming Soon: Improved Home Page

In March, a new and improved home page is coming to

Screenshot of the new home page, featuring sections to quickly navigate to your organizations, recent activity, pending alerts, and more.

The new home page will feature personalized views to help you quickly access resources and view alerts. It will also give you a reliable home base to explore and come back to.

Screenshot of the new home page, featuring sections for a new user with Getting Started tips and links to helpful resources.

To preview the new home page experience, look for the coming soon banner when you log into

Screenshot of the current home page, with a feed of recent activity in the center and quick links on the side.

The New Organization Profile Page

The new and improved Organization Profile Page is the default landing page for all organizations across

Learn about the Core Navigation changes that redirect all organization-specific links to this page, or watch the walk-through videos to learn about the updated functionality you'll find here.

enterprise Enterprise Organizations

Create and manage organization-level resources and connections in a consolidated experience—tailored to your level of access. Discover data faster with custom filters and advanced search syntax for all catalog resources and glossary terms.

community Community Organizations

Share information about your organization with the community, curate datasets and projects, and manage memberships—all from the Organization Profile Page.

improvement Organization-level Connections

Create and manage database connections for your organization as an admin—whether syncing data to your Community datasets or collecting catalogs as an Enterprise organization.

Coming Soon: Core Navigation Changes

In January, the updated Organization Profile Page will replace existing organization-specific landing pages with a consolidated experience.

Organization members and admins will be able to search, create, and manage resources, collections, members, connections, and more in one place.

Informational banner which reads "Updates to the organization page are coming soon. Check out what this page will look like in the new version."

Landing pages that will be replaced with the new Organization Profile Page will feature a banner with a link to preview the new experience.

The organization landing page will redirect to the new Organization Profile Page.

Coming Soon
The current organization landing page, featuring large tiles with different resource types.
The new organization profile page, with multiple tabs of information and more details.

Organization-specific library and list views will redirect to the Resources tab on the new Organization Profile page, with more advanced filtering options.

Coming Soon
The current organization data catalog, with simple rows of tables and minimal filter options.
The new organization resources tab, with more information on each table and advanced filtering options.

For enterprise organizations, the Glossary landing page will redirect to a new Glossary tab on the Organization page, also with improved filtering options.

NowComing Soon

Metrics update: December 17, 2021

Updated metrics tables/reports have arrived on December 17, 2021! Some reports may take 24-48 hours to reflect the new data after deploy due to sync timing.

Data dictionary has been updated to reflect the latest updates as well.

Updated Tables - For both multi-tenant and single-tenant

  1. Events - Metadata Assets Activity - By Day: Column name changed from “resourceid” to “resource” - this change was applied in order to bring this table into conformity with the dimension naming convention used elsewhere in the metrics dataset.
  2. Membership - All Time List: Added “current_member” column (boolean; TRUE: account is currently provisioned; FALSE: account is currently de-provisioned). Added “last_date_active” column (the date of the user’s most recent activity in
  3. Tops - Requests: Name of table/report changed to “Tops - Most Requested Resources.” Added “resourcetype” column (dimension; indicates whether the requested resource was a dataset, group, etc.).

Edit multiple resources from Organization Profile Page

Organization admins can now edit multiple resources directly from the Organization Profile Page.

Community organizations support editing multiple datasets or projects that match the filters in the Resources tab.

A community organization with multiple datasets has access to edit them directly from the Resources tab.

Enterprise organizations also support editing multiple analyses, business terms, or tables.

An enterprise organization with multiple datasets and catalog resources has access to edit them directly from the Resources tab.

Coming Soon: Organization Profile Updates

The Organization Profile Page is getting a facelift this week to offer more intuitive navigation, stronger support for custom catalog types, and richer discovery features. 

Browse the Overview tab for quick links to different resource categories in your catalog. The quick link tiles will take you to a filtered presentation of the new Resources tab. This view operates much like the main search page with support for facets and advanced search syntax, all scoped to your organization's resources. 

Searching for open data? Community organizations will now also have these search and filter options available on the new Resources tab.

Metrics update: October 18, 2021

Updated metrics tables/reports have arrived on October 18, 2021! Some reports may take 24-48 hours to reflect the new data after deploy due to sync timing.

Data dictionary has been updated to reflect the latest updates as well.

Updated Tables - For multi-tenant

  1. Events - Dataset or Project Views By Org - Name changed (from “Events - Views by Org”) and column name “dataset_views” changed to “views”
  2. Events - Searches - Last 90 Days - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused duplicate rows
  3. Membership - Daily Counts - By Org - Name changed (from “Membership - Daily - By Org")
  4. Resources - Org Owned Database connections - Name changed (from “Resources - Database connections”) and added column “owner”
  5. Tops - Bookmarks - Extended range to all users (it previously was limited to the top 10 users) and added column “displayname”
  6. Tops - Dataset Creation - Extended range to all users (it previously was limited to the top 10 users) and added column “displayname”
  7. Tops - Most Bookmarked Resources - Extended date range to all resources (it previously was limited to the top 10 resources)
  8. Tops - Most Comments - All Time - Extended date range to all resources (it previously was limited to the top 10 resources)
  9. Tops - Most Searched Terms - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused duplicate rows
  10. Tops - Most Viewed Resources - Added “catalog” type category to the resource_type variable
  11. Tops - Pageviews By Resource and Agentid - Added “catalog” type category to the resource_type variable

Updated Tables - For single-tenant

  1. Events - Dataset or Project Views By Org - Name changed (from “Events - Views by Org”) and column name “dataset_views” changed to “views”
  2. Resources - Org Owned Database connections - Added column “owner”
  3. Tops - Bookmarks - Extended range to all users (it previously was limited to the top 10 users) and added column “displayname”
  4. Tops - Dataset Creation - Extended range to all users (it previously was limited to the top 10 users) and added column “displayname”
  5. Tops - Most Viewed Resources - Added “catalog” type category to the resource_type variable
  6. Tops - Pageviews By Resource and Agentid - Added “catalog” type category to the resource_type variable

Coming Soon: Concept Cards

Business context

Most analysts trying to find answers to business questions aren’t searching for tables and columns directly. What they are actually looking for is contextual information that accelerates time to business impact for data. Concept Cards will change the way data consumers access data by providing a unique search experience no other catalog provider does or can do without the backing of a knowledge graph.


Concept Cards are a feature on’s near-term roadmap to help users discover related people, resources, and other supporting information we can obtain from the knowledge graph about a given search topic. If there are suggested actions that can be taken for the topic itself or for related resources, access to those actions is surfaced directly in the search results.

These cards become a jumping off point to browse and discover new things on the platform that share something in common with the search topic of interest. We see these Concept Cards as the first of many intelligent recommendations we can make by harnessing the power of the knowledge graph.

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