Hoots and BB Bots available for enterprise customers

Note – in January 2024, BB Bots were renamed Sentry Bots

Release Notes – August 17, 2023

Announcing the launch of Hoots and BB Bots, the latest in our set of DataOps application features, free to all tiers of our enterprise catalog customers.

What problems do Hoots and BB Bots solve? Hoots bring the relevant information from the catalog to your data-consuming teams (analysts, scientists, executives, etc.) and provide simple communication and timely updates about data quality and freshness via BB Bots. Together, these features increase communication and trust and save your data engineering team valuable time in reanswering the same data questions across your data-consuming teams.

What is a Hoot? A Hoot surfaces important context about your data – including data quality and usage information – directly to the applications being used to make data-driven decisions. This saves data producers time that would otherwise be spent answering questions about the state of the data and ensure that data consumers have the context they need to use data confidently.

How do Hoots work? Hoots are simple trust badges that turn green, red, or yellow depending on the health status of your data pipeline. Hoots are configured from the catalog and added to your web-based data product to inform users of health status and more information that is fed automatically from the catalog and automated monitors called BB Bots.

What is a BB Bot? BB Bots are automated monitors that change the status color of the Hoots, providing a trust signal to end-users and allowing data engineers more time to investigate issues and less time answering and re-answering questions.

How do BB Bots work? BB Bots monitor the data.world Data Catalog Platform and other orchestration and observability tools, like Airflow, Monte Carlo, dbt and Matillion. BB Bots automate the communication of data quality and health status and surface this information to the Hoot where it can provide important context alongside other information from the catalog, like definitions, lineage, owner, and policies. All of this information is surfaced in the Hoot that lives on the applications that data consumers are using, like Looker, PowerBI, and Tableau.

To find out how to configure a Hoot, you can read more about these features in our product documentation and enroll in the DataOps and BB Bots course available at data.world University.