Improvements to the Metadata Collectors Page and CLI Command Builder

We are thrilled to announce the General Availability of the Metadata Collectors page and CLI Command Builder tool! In addition, we've introduced the ability for users to create, manage, and delete Service Account tokens. These 3 features empower catalog administrators to more quickly set up on-premises collectors so your catalog users can get started discovering and understanding your data faster. In addition, seeing all the collectors (on-premises or cloud) that are bringing metadata into their catalogs allows you to maintain and govern your catalog more effectively.

For more information on these features, continue reading below.

Metadata Collectors Page: found in the Settings tab of an Organization, this page shows all of the collectors that are currently appearing in your catalog and other important information, such as the last time the collector ran. This page also includes cloud collectors set up via Connection Manager. For more information, refer to the documentation.

The CLI Command Builder allows users to step through a wizard to set up on-premises collectors. The wizard generates either a CLI command or a YAML file, so users can more quickly set up collectors during implementation. Since the BETA release, we've streamlined the form fields to more clearly differentiate required fields from optional fields For more information, refer to the documentation (available sources are denoted as "collector wizard available").

Service Accounts: administrators can now create, refresh (edit the expiration date), and delete service accounts from the UI. From the wizard, there is a "Create a service account" link that will take you to the "Service accounts" tab in the Settings page, and clicking on the "Add service account" button will generate an API token. We recommend using service accounts when setting up a collector, so the configurations aren't tied to user accounts. For more information, refer to the documentation.