Metrics update: September 16, 2021

Updated metrics tables/reports have arrived on September 16, 2021! Some reports may take 24-48 hours to reflect the new data after deploy due to sync timing.

New Tables (multi tenant & single tenant)

  • Resources - Dataset Files - A detailed listing of all (currently existing) files residing in datasets.
  • Tops - Engagement - A list of users ranked by key engagement metrics.
  • Resources - Live Metadata Assets Created - By Day - A long form series of counts of metadata assets created by date.
  • Events - Dataset Activity - By Day - A fact table containing dataset activity measurements, aggregated by UTC-based calendar day.
  • Events - Metadata Assets Activity - By Day - A fact table containing metadata assets activity measurements aggregated by UTC-based calendar day.

Updated Tables (multi tenant & single tenant)

  • Membership - Current - By Org - Added new columns for email address, user display name, org-level authorization settings, org-level visibility settings and date of most recent update to authorization settings.
  • Events - Searches - Last 90 Days - Fixed a bug that caused the counts of search results to be capped at 10.
  • Events - Downloads (previously Events - Downloads - Last 90 Days) - Extended the timeframe to all-time; added new columns for file labels and user displayname. 

Base platform data updates (single tenant only):

  • DOWNLOADS - new columns: (type, filename, filelabels) providing information about file downloads.
  • DAILY_DWEC_ASSET_FACTS - new fact table providing measurements of metadata asset activity by date.
  • FILES_DATASET_DIM - new dimension table providing information about files residing in Datasets.