Starting off Spring with three new Collectors! dbt Cloud, SAP Hana and Netezzza

dbt Cloud

When paired with, dbt users can more easily discover transformations and related assets, collaborate with colleagues, and govern data and analytics projects. 

Customers can now leverage the dbt cloud Collector to connect to your dbt Cloud project and harvest dbt assets and also lineage relationships from dbt transformations. In the platform, users will see metadata about models, snapshots, projects, seeds, sources, and tests, as well as relationships between views and referenced database tables or columns and between dbt resources and upstream or downstream resources. In the near future, this Collector will also support metrics and multiple database sources.

The dbt Cloud Collector is a Tier 1 Collector for Enterprise Customers.

SAP Hana and Netezza

For both SAP Hana and Netezza Collectors, users will now be able to take advantage of these systems' advanced analytics to gain deeper visibility into your data. Inside, users will see metadata for columns, tables, and views, such as name, description, and data type.

The SAP Hana and Netezza Collectors are both Tier 3 Collectors for Enterprise Customers.

If you are interested in using these new Collectors, please contact us for support for your initial run. Please see the documentation for each collector: dbt CloudSAP HanaNetezza