🚀 Take your catalog to the next level with Collection hierarchy

We're happy to announce a NEW FEATURE called Collection hierarchy. This feature will help our enterprise customers organize their domain-driven data catalogs to simplify data management and improve data discovery. 

Collection hierarchy is a tree-like view of your hierarchical collection relationships viewable on the collection overview tab. It organizes data resources and semantic concepts into increasingly more granular or specific groups based on their common characteristics - like domains, categories, markets, etc. It allows you to express your data taxonomy in a way that makes sense to your users:

  • Easily find relevant data: With resources and terms grouped into collections, users can quickly navigate relevant collections.
  • Simplify data management: By grouping data assets into hierarchical collections, you can simplify the process of assigning manage and edit levels of the catalog metadata.

For example, a sales steward might organize resources and terms into different Sales subcollections, such as Sales by Region, Sales by Product, and Sales by Customer. With this structure, your sales analysts can easily find the data they need to make more informed decisions.

Collection hierarchy, combined with other recently released features like Groups, Collection Access Control, and the ability to create new Collection types, provides organizations with the building blocks to build powerful data products and organize their domain-driven data catalog, simplifying data management, and improving decision-making. We look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our customers.

At data.world, our goal is to help organizations unlock the full potential of their data. If you're interested in learning more about data mesh and our solutions, please visit our website and book a demo. You can also read more about our collection features on the documentation portal. We look forward to helping you manage your data and transform the way your users discover it!