More Bookmarks!

With our latest release, users are now able to bookmark even more things. Just click on the bookmark icon from search results on the Resources tab or directly on the detail page to create bookmarks for your metadata resources, insights, collections, datasets, projects and more.

As you click on the bookmark you'll see how many other people have bookmarked the page. Find the full list of your bookmarks on your bookmark page and your latest additions on your personal Action Center home page.

Visit our Docs Portal for more details about bookmarks.

User Groups for Organizations

We're excited to announce that we've released a significant new feature to give organizations more flexibility in managing members and permissions through User Groups.

With groups, you can:

  • Create new custom groups to independently manage people, data, and metadata on the platform much more easily.
  • Grant groups access to organization-owned datasets and projects.
  • Manage different levels of access to all metadata catalog resources via groups.
  • Have different access levels for people responsible for catalog configuration and for catalog curation.

This feature has changed how new users are added to organizations on the platform. This short video highlights the changes. 

Updated documentation portal

We are excited to announce upcoming improvements to our help docs portal, including streamlining and consolidating our product documentation, cleaning up deprecated articles and links, and improving the navigation and search experience!

With the site improvements, some of your bookmarks or saved links may no longer work. We have diligently mapped deprecated URLs to the new pags to keep the impact on our users as low as possible. 

If you encounter a link that no longer works, the easiest way to find what you need is to go to the docs portal landing page and search for the information. Please contact support with any questions of issues.

Collection metadata editing

We now support the ability to edit collection metadata through the app. If you have the required permissions within your organization, you should now see an edit button on the collection pages.

This functionality is only around editing, with support for suggestions coming soon.

Scrollable related resources table on catalog resources

For our enterprise customers, we made a small but significant change to the related resources table. 

The table now returns up to 100 items per page, and is scrollable to enable users to quickly browse the resources. Pagination is supported up to 10 pages, for a max of 1000 resources. The filter box will remain present if there are more than 10 items.

For resources with more than 1000 related items, we recommend taking advantage of the filter to help narrow down the result set.

Metrics update: April 22, 2022

Updated metrics tables/reports have arrived on April 22, 2022! Some reports may take 24-48 hours to reflect the new data after deployment due to sync timing.

The data dictionary has been updated to reflect the latest updates as well.

Updated Tables:

Tops - Most Searched Terms: Added new column "search_type" (single-tenant and multi-tenant).

Events - Queries: limited to past 30 days (multi-tenant).

Preview the simplified navigation and Discover page

This May,’s navigation is getting more powerful and even easier to use – we’re adding a Discover button! Preview the changes today to discover all the resources you have access to with a single click.

Screenshot of Discover page. The familiar search page shows a list of all the resources you have access to, available via the Discover left hand navigation. In this screenshot, Discover is highlighted in purple and a Preview banner is at the top of the page.

  • Discover will be added to the navigation to show you all the resources that you can find.
  • Data, Analysis, and Glossary will be removed from the navigation.

The Discover experience transforms the empty search page into an actionable entry point for all of your resources—whether organization-owned or in the open community.

Screenshot of Discover page on the All tab. After a prompt to "Search for bookmarks, resources, or people" there is a list of your recently viewed resources. In this screenshot, Discover is highlighted in purple and a Preview banner is at the top of the page.

Switch to the All tab to reference up to 25 of your recently viewed resources and jump back in where you left off.

Look for the Preview banner to try out the new navigation and Discover experience today. Review the updated documentation or share your feedback.

Eureka: Automations and answers powered by the knowledge graph is happy to announce the release of Eureka, a suite of knowledge-graph powered data catalog capabilities designed to simplify the development, discovery, understanding, and use of trusted data products.

Eureka Automations new 

Eureka Automations make it faster and easier to deploy and manage your data catalog. 

Eureka Action Center new 

Eureka Action Center is a dynamic dashboard homepage that helps answer the question, “What do I need to take action on now?” 

Eureka Answers new 

Eureka Answers surfaces the most relevant concepts from the knowledge graph to the top of search.

Eureka Explorer – Coming fall 2022 coming soon 

Eureka Explorer is a visual map of your data ecosystem powered by the knowledge graph.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions or feedback!

Metrics update: March 21, 2022

Updated metrics tables/reports have arrived on March 21, 2022! Some reports may take 24-48 hours to reflect the new data after deployment due to sync timing.

The data dictionary has been updated to reflect the latest updates as well.

New Table - For both multi-tenant and single-tenant:

Events - Catalog Resources Pages Activity By Day

A fact table containing catalog pages activities such as views, edits and suggestions submitted by agents aggregated by UTC-based calendar day


  1. date: UTC-based calendar date
  2. owner: the org where the catalog asset resides
  3. agentid: the agentid who took an action (either viewed, edited or submitted a suggestion for the asset)
  4. resourcetype: the catalog asset type
  5. resource: the catalog asset's unique ID. This represents the unique IRI value of the asset
  6. resourcename: the name of the catalog asset
  7. views: count of views done by the agent on the asset
  8. edits: count of edits saved by the agent on the asset
  9. suggestions_submitted: count of suggestions submitted by the agent for that asset

Note: This metric is meant to replace the Events - Metadata Asset Activity By Day table, which provided metrics on metadata pages in and was sunset in September 2021. We are going to let Events - Metadata Asset Activity By Day stay in the metrics dataset instead of completely removing it in case you are still using it, but you will not see any events in it beginning September 2021 (or before depending on their activity on those pages).

What can be done with this new metric? 

Below are some examples of analysis you can do with this metric:

  1. You can see the activity for a particular type of resource
    SELECT *
    FROM catalog-resources-pages-activity-by-day
    WHERE resourcetype = ‘Business term’
    ORDER BY date DESC;
  2. You can see total edits, views and suggestions that were submitted by day for a specific resource
    SELECT date, SUM(views), SUM(edits), SUM(suggestions_submitted)
    FROM catalog-resources-pages-activity-by-day
    WHERE RESOURCENAME = '<insert the resourceid column value here>’
    GROUP BY date
    ORDER BY date desc;
  3. You can see total activity summary for all catalog resource pages by date and org
    SELECT date, org, SUM(views), SUM(edits), SUM(suggestions_submitted)
    FROM catalog-resources-pages-activity-by-day
    GROUP BY date, org
    ORDER BY date desc;

As always, let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

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