Offline Editing for Columns by Table

Catalog administrators and stewards can now more easily operate on Column resources in bulk with the spreadsheet export/import flow. Previously, Columns could only be selected for bulk operations at the Collection level. Now, users can export all Columns of a parent Table, edit attributes in the spreadsheet, and upload changes.

The new functionality is accessible for users with correct access via the 'Columns' tab on a parent Table's resource page (example shown below).

For more information, please refer to the documentation.

Granular Filtering, Search, and Selection for Bulk Operations

We are thrilled to announce new functionality for the Quick Edit feature to support all of the bulk operations necessary to keep catalogs fresh and accurate. 

Previously for Quick Edit, users could only filter a set of resources by Resource Type. But now users can leverage search facets, advanced filtering, and text search capabilities available in other parts of the platform. Users can also perform multiple searches and apply multiple filters to continually add resources to the selection without restarting each time. This will streamline bulk operations by allowing users to more seamlessly select the exact set of resources intended for bulk enrichment and editing.

These capabilities are now available wherever Quick Edit lives: Glossary, Resources, and Collections. They will appear once you select either "Quick Edit" for Glossary, or the "Edit Multiple Resources" entry point for Resources and Collections, shown below:

In a future release, we will enable these capabilities for the Bulk Upload/Edit feature as well, making offline editing more targeted and effective.

For more information, please refer to the documentation for Glossary Quick Edit, Resources Quick Edit, and Collections Quick Edit.

A list of notable enhancements across the data catalog!

We're excited to introduce some powerful improvements and enhancements. Here's a list of our latest releases to the enterprise data catalog

1) Archie Bots - description generator enhancement

Archie Bots can now effortlessly describe all types of catalog resources, including custom resources. This improvement saves you time enriching your catalog, improving discoverability and understandability. You can read more about Archie Bots here.

2) Improvements to UX and increased max character count of descriptions

Enjoy getting wordy! We've increased the maximum character count of the Description field to 5000, allowing for more comprehensive and detailed information. We've also included markdown support in the hover-over view of descriptions and increased the view window size in search results.

3) Improvements to the search and navigation of Glossary terms

Users can now quickly filter by the first letter, making it easier to locate and manage terms. We've also made improvements to how special characters are sorted in the glossary, ensuring a more intuitive and organized experience. 

4) Now you can query the catalog layers

Customers can now query the layers of the graph using a named graph called :current. This feature federates your source data and catalog enrichments into one queryable graph, simplifying data exploration across catalog layers and allowing for easier exploration and analysis of your data assets. You can read more about the catalog layers and how to query them here.

We hope these enhancements empower you to make the most of your enterprise data catalog. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!

Improvements to Metadata Collectors Page and Collector Wizard

To make collector setup faster and easier for catalog administrators, the Metadata Collectors page and Command Builder Wizard now support saving, editing, and deleting collector configurations for on-premise collectors.

Some of the new functionality in this release are:

  • Collectors configured from the UI will be saved and viewable, even before collectors are run. Previously, collector configurations were not saved for later use. 
  • Collector configurations can be edited and deleted.
  • Users can give collector configurations custom names.
  • New table “Catalog metadata sources” shows all collectors that are bringing metadata into the catalog.

For more information, refer to the documentation here.

Launching Sigma and InfluxDB Collectors

🚀 Exciting News: Launching Two New Metadata Collectors on! 🚀

Today, we are excited to announce the release of two new metadata collectors on the Sigma Collector and the InfluxDB Collector. These tools are designed to simplify and supercharge your data integration and management capabilities.

🔍 Why you'll love the Sigma Collector:

  • For Sigma users, governance can sometimes be a challenge. We’re here to help! Now, with, you can obtain a clear visibility into your Sigma workbooks, files, datasets, and more, ensuring data protection, control, and traceability.
  • Business decision-makers can now effortlessly visualize and integrate Sigma's KPIs and metrics with data from other sources, leading to informed decisions.
  • Data analysts will have improved data trust levels. How? Metadata for Sigma workbooks and elements (e.g., titles, descriptions, authors, last updated info) are now easily accessible within, giving quick and deep insight.
  • Gain valuable insight into data quality and health via a Sigma Hoot, our latest DataOps feature. Read more about Hoots in this Whatsnew Post from August.

🌟 Sigma Collector Features:

  • Metadata Harvested: Workspace, Workbook, Folder, Dataset, Connection, Tag, Grant, Member, Team, and Data Element.
  • Lineage: Capture inter-system lineage within Sigma, connecting to tables, datasets, and other data elements in the workbook.

An example of Sigma Workbook metadata inside the platform, such as who created and last updated the workbook as well as permissions, as well as Lineage.

🔍 How the InfluxDB Collector helps you:

  • Enhance your visualization dashboards! With InfluxDB being a pivotal data source for Grafana, it’s essential to understand the intricate Influx-Grafana relationship. We make that possible.
  • Dive deep into metadata about buckets, tasks, and measurement columns, empowering users to easily locate and monitor time series data, coupled with insights on its processing.

🌟 InfluxDB Collector Features:

  • Metadata Harvested: Bucket, Measurement Schema, Measurement Column, Task, Label, Organization, and Telegraf Configuration.

An example of metadata from an InfluxDB Task inside the platform, including the expression, last run status, and task status.

In a world where data is continuously evolving, it’s crucial to have the right tools for discoverability, integration, and governance. With our new collectors, we aim to make your journey smoother, more insightful, and more powerful.

Sigma, a Tier 1 collector, and InfluxDB, a Tier 2 collector, are both available immediately for Enterprise Customers. Read the documentation for full details:

Hoots and BB Bots available for enterprise customers

Note – in January 2024, BB Bots were renamed Sentry Bots

Release Notes – August 17, 2023

Announcing the launch of Hoots and BB Bots, the latest in our set of DataOps application features, free to all tiers of our enterprise catalog customers.

What problems do Hoots and BB Bots solve? Hoots bring the relevant information from the catalog to your data-consuming teams (analysts, scientists, executives, etc.) and provide simple communication and timely updates about data quality and freshness via BB Bots. Together, these features increase communication and trust and save your data engineering team valuable time in reanswering the same data questions across your data-consuming teams.

What is a Hoot? A Hoot surfaces important context about your data – including data quality and usage information – directly to the applications being used to make data-driven decisions. This saves data producers time that would otherwise be spent answering questions about the state of the data and ensure that data consumers have the context they need to use data confidently.

How do Hoots work? Hoots are simple trust badges that turn green, red, or yellow depending on the health status of your data pipeline. Hoots are configured from the catalog and added to your web-based data product to inform users of health status and more information that is fed automatically from the catalog and automated monitors called BB Bots.

What is a BB Bot? BB Bots are automated monitors that change the status color of the Hoots, providing a trust signal to end-users and allowing data engineers more time to investigate issues and less time answering and re-answering questions.

How do BB Bots work? BB Bots monitor the Data Catalog Platform and other orchestration and observability tools, like Airflow, Monte Carlo, dbt and Matillion. BB Bots automate the communication of data quality and health status and surface this information to the Hoot where it can provide important context alongside other information from the catalog, like definitions, lineage, owner, and policies. All of this information is surfaced in the Hoot that lives on the applications that data consumers are using, like Looker, PowerBI, and Tableau.

To find out how to configure a Hoot, you can read more about these features in our product documentation and enroll in the DataOps and BB Bots course available at University.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) support for metadata collection is now Live!

Announcing our newest metadata collector - SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)! This collector is designed to provide you with an effective solution for extracting metadata from your SSRS environment into your catalog. Our integration facilitates the automated extraction, organization, and presentation of specific metadata elements from your SSRS system. You'll gain valuable insights into your datasets, data sources, folders, KPIs, reports, and linked reports – all within your easily navigable catalog. 

With the SSRS collector, you can:

  • Learn more about your reports and data, including who created a report or dataset and when they were last updated, helping you understand and trust your data
  • See the lineage of which datasets were used in a report, allowing you a comprehensive view of the data flowing into a report
  • Keep track of KPIs from SSRS and integrate them with business metrics from other source systems, all within one easy-to-use catalog, leading to better data-informed decisions

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your SQL Server Reporting Services? You can read more about how this collector works and all it harvests in the documentationThis collector is Tier 2 for Enterprise customers, and is available in dwcc version 2.151 and later.

An example of metadata from an SSRS Report, including Lineage:

Announcing Enhanced Email Notification Options

Visit your notifications settings page to customize the transactional emails you receive from

You can choose to:

  • Turn off all non-essential email communications
  • Unsubscribe from a category of email notifications
  • Customize which digests you receive
  • Customize dataset and project activity notifications

Learn more

🚀 Introducing's New Governance Application - What's New! 🚀

We are thrilled to announce the launch of's powerful new Governance Application, designed to automate time-consuming tasks, streamline workflows, and enable you to begin to treat data like a product.  With this latest release, we are bringing you a suite of exciting features to help ensure data integrity, compliance, and security while empowering you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

🎥 Watch our Digital Event on Best Practices using our new Governance Application Features here: 

🎯 Core Automations - Standard for All Customers 🎯

1️⃣ Default Value Assignment: Set default values for specific metadata fields, ensuring consistent and accurate data entry. Learn more in our Product Docs [link].

2️⃣ Inherited Assignment: Easily inherit metadata from related resources, saving time and reducing redundancy. Product Docs [link] have all the details.

3️⃣ Metadata Completeness: Get automated insights into the completeness of metadata across your datasets, enabling better data tracking and quality control. Explore how it works in our Product Docs [link].

4️⃣ Metadata Freshness Review: Want to set a cadence by which to review your stewards must metadata and ensure it’s still fresh?  Learn how to set it up in our Product Docs [link].

5️⃣ Metadata Freshness Refresh: Ensure your metadata remains up-to-date with automated refreshes. Check out our Product Docs [link] for step-by-step instructions.

6️⃣ Sensitive Data Discovery: Safeguard your sensitive information by automatically identifying and managing sensitive data elements. Get started with our Product Docs [link].

💡 Query Based Actions App - Unlock Advanced Capabilities 💡

For our advanced users, we are introducing the Query Based Actions App - a game-changer! Utilize this app to perform custom actions based on scheduled queries, providing unparalleled flexibility. To gain access, complete our upcoming Training Course [coming soon] or reach out to your Designated Customer Success Director.

🏆 Premium Automation - Exclusive Benefits for Paid Customers 🏆

🌟 Access Request Approval: Take control of your data access with this premium automation. Easily manage access requests and ensure data privacy and security. Set up sophisticated, multi-step workflows to more effectively manage your end users data requests in requesting data and enable your business users to requesting granting access to data with one click. Integrate with ServiceNnow to extend the automation to your ticketing system. Contact your Customer Success Director to activate this powerful application feature.

See it in action!

🌟Task Management: Native Task management provides one central place in for any user to go and view all the tasks they need to complete and be able to action on those tasks, immediately.

A suite of additional premium automation coming in the following releases.

🏃‍♂️ Early Adopter Program - Our customers helping us mold our product 🏃‍♀️

We are excited to offer an Early Adopter Program to the first round of our customers. Early Adopter Customers receive dedicated support and guidance throughout the adoption process and provide us with valuable feedback to shape future improvements.

🔄 Continuous Improvement and Iteration 🔄

At, we are committed to your success. We will continuously improve and iterate on our Governance Product based on your feedback and needs. Expect exciting enhancements and new features over the next quarters.

🔧 Easy Configuration for Administrators 🔧

Setting up these automation is a breeze for any admin! No technical knowledge is required for all core automation except the Query Based Actions App, ensuring that you can start leveraging the benefits right away.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your data governance practices. Embrace the power of's new Governance Product today!

Improvements to the Metadata Collectors Page and CLI Command Builder

We are thrilled to announce the General Availability of the Metadata Collectors page and CLI Command Builder tool! In addition, we've introduced the ability for users to create, manage, and delete Service Account tokens. These 3 features empower catalog administrators to more quickly set up on-premises collectors so your catalog users can get started discovering and understanding your data faster. In addition, seeing all the collectors (on-premises or cloud) that are bringing metadata into their catalogs allows you to maintain and govern your catalog more effectively.

For more information on these features, continue reading below.

Metadata Collectors Page: found in the Settings tab of an Organization, this page shows all of the collectors that are currently appearing in your catalog and other important information, such as the last time the collector ran. This page also includes cloud collectors set up via Connection Manager. For more information, refer to the documentation.

The CLI Command Builder allows users to step through a wizard to set up on-premises collectors. The wizard generates either a CLI command or a YAML file, so users can more quickly set up collectors during implementation. Since the BETA release, we've streamlined the form fields to more clearly differentiate required fields from optional fields For more information, refer to the documentation (available sources are denoted as "collector wizard available").

Service Accounts: administrators can now create, refresh (edit the expiration date), and delete service accounts from the UI. From the wizard, there is a "Create a service account" link that will take you to the "Service accounts" tab in the Settings page, and clicking on the "Add service account" button will generate an API token. We recommend using service accounts when setting up a collector, so the configurations aren't tied to user accounts. For more information, refer to the documentation.

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