🚀 Take your catalog to the next level with Collection hierarchy

We're happy to announce a NEW FEATURE called Collection hierarchy. This feature will help our enterprise customers organize their domain-driven data catalogs to simplify data management and improve data discovery. 

Collection hierarchy is a tree-like view of your hierarchical collection relationships viewable on the collection overview tab. It organizes data resources and semantic concepts into increasingly more granular or specific groups based on their common characteristics - like domains, categories, markets, etc. It allows you to express your data taxonomy in a way that makes sense to your users:

  • Easily find relevant data: With resources and terms grouped into collections, users can quickly navigate relevant collections.
  • Simplify data management: By grouping data assets into hierarchical collections, you can simplify the process of assigning manage and edit levels of the catalog metadata.

For example, a sales steward might organize resources and terms into different Sales subcollections, such as Sales by Region, Sales by Product, and Sales by Customer. With this structure, your sales analysts can easily find the data they need to make more informed decisions.

Collection hierarchy, combined with other recently released features like Groups, Collection Access Control, and the ability to create new Collection types, provides organizations with the building blocks to build powerful data products and organize their domain-driven data catalog, simplifying data management, and improving decision-making. We look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our customers.

At data.world, our goal is to help organizations unlock the full potential of their data. If you're interested in learning more about data mesh and our solutions, please visit our website and book a demo. You can also read more about our collection features on the documentation portal. We look forward to helping you manage your data and transform the way your users discover it!

Harvest your Amazon S3 bucket and object metadata with our newest Collector

Introducing our newest metadata collector: Amazon S3 🎉 

The Amazon S3 Collector catalogs buckets and objects, allowing you to quickly search and discover your data. This new collector harvests metadata about buckets and objects, including the Region, Version State, Size, Last Modified Data, ACL Owner, Grantee and Grant Permission, amongst others (see the full list in the documentation). 

Inside the data.world platform, users will be able to view the relationships between S3 buckets and Objects, enhancing data discoverability. Using our configurable UI, you can display which pieces of metadata are most important to you, such as ACL Permission or S3 Metadata Keys and Values.

Learn how to use the new Amazon S3 Collector in our documentation, or please reach out if you have questions!

📣 Announcing our latest search enhancements

Over the past several weeks, we've introduced a set of search IMPROVEMENTS we want to share:

  1. Partial title search. Allows users to search for resources by entering just a portion of the title (3+ characters), making it easier to find the right data.
  2. More related metadata search. From the context of a resource page, this improvement allows users the ability to search and filter related resources based on all the searchable metadata fields of a resource - including custom fields - which means it is now easier to filter large lists.
  3. More camel case support. We have extended camel case support to our relationship filters. This makes it easier to find resources that have complex names that combine uppercase and lowercase letters.
  4. Updated column search cards. This update improves the column search experience by providing users with additional information about columns such as database and datatype, making it easier to understand what each resource is without clicking through and back between the detail pages.

At data.world, our goal is to help organizations unlock the full potential of their data. We're constantly improving search in order to better serve our customers looking to take data management and discovery to the next level.

If you're interested in learning more about our data discovery solutions, please visit our website and book a demo. You can also read more about our search features on the docs portal. We look forward to helping you manage your data and transform the way your users discover it!

New navigation improvements ready for preview

We are excited to begin rolling out for preview some exciting ENHANCEMENTS to the user experience on our collections, metadata resources, and glossary pages.

Today, you'll notice a new PREVIEW button on these pages. Click on it to get a preview of some of our latest features.


  • Metadata sections navigation - a table-of-contents-like side menu for easy access to your metadata sections, related resources, etc.
  • Collection hierarchy widget - a navigable tree of your data taxonomy.


  • Relationships UX improvements  - a more information-rich view of the related resources, improved edit/suggest flows.
  • Custom icons - dress your custom types in attire that makes sense to you and your catalog users.

To find out more about these new navigation features, please visit our documentation portal.

Collection Access Control is here!

Big news today! 🎉

You asked for more granular control of your data catalog and we listened. We're excited to introduce Collection Access Control. This NEW Feature is going to help you scale your Agile Data Governance program by providing more granular ways to control the access and management of your data catalog.

Collection Access Control provides role-based control to your metadata resources by collection, helping you target who can see and edit the resources in your catalog.

Read more about how to manage collection access on our documentation portal.

Create Custom Resources in the UI

Custom resources play an important role in a data catalog's ability to accurately represent your company's metadata. Users need to be able to add resources that aren't directly from data sources to give a full picture of their data landscapes. Now, users can create these custom resources directly from the UI and manage them like any other resource.

After designating which resources should have this feature enabled in your metadata profile, users will be able to access these resources in the "Other resources" section in the "New resource" dropdown (in the example below, the custom resources are "Bank account" and Credit card").

For more information, refer to the documentation.

Glossary Bulk Import and Bulk Edit

Introducing our newest feature: bulk import and edit for glossary terms!

Catalog administrators can now bulk upload glossary terms for faster onboarding and enrichment, and make bulk edits to ensure your catalog is always accurate.

This feature enables the following workflows:

  • upload glossary terms using a template custom to your catalog's metadata profile

  • download a spreadsheet of all current glossary terms

  • edit information, add new terms, delete terms in exported spreadsheet

  • upload updated spreadsheet to application

  • preview changes made in spreadsheet before applying changes

For more information, refer to the full documentation here.

New Connection Manager Data Source: Tableau

We now support metadata collection from Tableau via Connection Manager. Previously, users were able to collect metadata via the data.world Collector, but now users can perform this task in-app.

Both Tableau Online and Tableau Server are supported, as well as the following connection types: Direct connection (inbound), SSH tunnel (inbound, preferred).

For more information, refer to the documentation here.

Get a quick summary of the access your members have

We have some awesome news! Our member access summary page is now live!

The member access summary makes it much easier for members to understand the various levels of access they have in an organization. As we work to make our access levels more flexible and granular, this page also gives our org admins the ability to quickly audit the level of access their members have and take action.

Be the first to learn about the member access summary page in our docs portal.

New configurable browse card

We've been super busy over the last few weeks, and we're excited to share that we've officially launched a new feature called the browse card, a configurable, quick navigation card available for private instance Enterprise customers.

This configurable card shows up on your Action Center home page and helps you direct your users to important resources, organizations, collections, and other links - giving them a curated starting point. Read our Implementation Guide to get started or reach out to your Customer Success representative if you need to upgrade your catalog plan.

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